Conflict Resolution

Conflict is sometimes unavoidable, but the way it is managed and resolved can make a huge difference in the market’s culture. The Farmers Market Coalition offers guidance on resolving conflict at farmers markets that may be helpful to you.  Similar to the Farmers Market Coalition, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach website has a nice list of steps to resolving conflict that can be applied at farmers markets.
The Farmers Market Pros have a series of Tent Talks that discuss various issues farmers markets face. Episode 122: De-escalating tense situations at the farmers market is a 40 minute episode that is worth the listen, full of great tips on how to diffuse situations that may arise at the market.


Managing Conflict with Vendors:


Produce Plus has a nice one page resource on de-escalation and conflict resolution, but the main factor to remember from it is the acronym CLARA:

Calm and center yourself.

Listen actively to the other person.

Affirm what they’re saying.

Respond non-confrontationally.

Add information if they seem open to it.

If you have tried de-escalating the situation and find yourself in need of mediation, the Environmental Mediation Center has information on what mediation is and how it can benefit you in resolving conflict.

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